您的位置:首页 > 苹果首页 > 苹果软件 > 摄影录像 > Darkroom
Darkroom 是一款高级照片和视频编辑应用,不仅为普通摄影爱好者提供了易于上手的操作,同时亦为专业摄影师提供了各种强大功能。

** 2020 年苹果设计大奖 **
** 2015 年度 App Store 最佳应用 **

这款应用在 iPhone、iPad 以及 macOS Big Sur 平台上均通用,并与 iOS 的所有最新功能深度融合。


该应用免费提供可让照片变得栩栩如生的所有工具:实况照片、RAW图像以及“人像”图像,可在iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上使用!

视频编辑器(Darkroom+ 订阅)
极快的处理速度以及简单易用的实时调色功能。 我们的所有滤镜和编辑工具均可兼容视频,包括批量处理功能也不例外。

曲线和可选色彩工具(Darkroom+ 订阅)
Darkroom 的灵魂核心:iOS 上最好用的曲线和可选色彩工具。 兼具实用、简洁和强大等一众功能。

分别对人像照片的前景和背景进行编辑。 自定义人像照片的模糊度,或者分别设置前景/背景的亮度、对比度和饱和度。

RAW 编辑
以全分辨率编辑 RAW 照片,并恢复阴影和高亮当中的全部细节。

我们提供一整套相册管理工具,让您可以超快速度完成图库的组织管理。 Darkroom 中的每项操作都将应用于您的 iCloud 照片图库!

专业摄影师用来创建滤镜的相同工具。 您可根据需求编辑任何内置或高级滤镜,或从零开始创建您自己的专属滤镜。

自动导入所有照片。 Darkroom 无需任何导入操作。

立即对众多照片批量应用各种编辑和滤镜。 轻按一下,即可对图像进行批量收藏、删除、隐藏。

话题标签管理和 SIRI 捷径
创建话题标签组,实现从以下任何地方一键导出:首页、“今日”小部件、“导出”页等。 创建您的专属“Siri 捷径”,从任意应用中复制最爱的话题标签。

您的 Darkroom+ 会员将会自动续订,除非在当前订阅期结束前至少 24 小时关闭自动续订功能。 您可以在"设置" > iTunes 与 App Store > Apple ID > “订阅”中管理您的会员资格并关闭自动续订。 确认购买后,系统将向您的 iTunes 帐户扣费。



For this release, we made our way through the list of rough edges in the Darkroom experience. Lots and lots of bug fixes here!

### Image Loading

- We rebuilt our image loading and generation infrastructure to provide faster image delivery, more accurate results, and improve reliability.
- When editing a photo, we now pause library work that might interrupt your interaction with the sliders.
- All image views in the app now share the same image provider, ensuring they’re all up to date, share resources, and are fast/reliable.
- Fixes issues where images got stuck loading forever.
- Fixes issues that caused thumbnails to be blurry in the grid after editing.
- Fixes rendering glitches when backgrounding the app quickly while editing.
- Fixes a bug where cropped and/or framed images would stretch if you open the Crop Tool.
- We use a lot less memory in our caching layer, ensuring sliders stay responsive and stable.

### RAW + JPG?Photos

- Added a new setting to define what version you want to load by default. This allows us to skip asking you every time if you want to change the default when switching.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the RAW photos to appear too small, and JPEGs to show visual glitches when switching between the two.
- Fixed an issue that could cause RAW photos to display their dark regions too brightly.

### Crop & Transform

- Improved crop aspect ratio option by making the selection of the “As Shot” and “Free” options sticky across edit sessions.
- Fixed an issue that caused crop corner controls to not properly settle on the edges if moving quickly past an edge.
- Fixed an issue that caused crop controls to not respond if your drag gesture was slow to start moving.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause the crop controls to disappear!
- Fixed a lot of alignment and visual layout issues with the Transform tool.
- When cropping, we now disable the gesture to dismiss the tools, which could get in your way of cropping.

### Photos App Extension

- Improved memory use in our Photos Extension, making it more stable
- The Clarity slider is still using too much memory and causing the photo extension to crash, so we decided to removed it from the Photos Extension until we can address its memory use.

### Exporting

- When you are exporting, we now pause all other image processing to speed up the export, and provide it as much memory as possible.
- We now re-use a lot more memory between editing and export, reducing the memory load of the app, and ensuring exporting jobs always have the memory it needs to finish their job.
- Improved HDR video export by ensuring it now exports to SDR with the correct colors. When we support end-to-end HDR editing & exporting, we will re-enable HDR exports.
- Fix a bug where exporting 4K videos with a frame would crash
- On iPhone, during export, the interface no longer adjusts to device rotation, which helps reduce memory usage and improves stability and reliability of exports.

### **UI Improvements**

- If the app interface is fully hidden (by tapping on the image to view it full-screen), we now allow you to swipe to dismiss to go back to the library.
- Fixed some layout issues with the batch toolbar, particularly on iPad.
- Fixed our in-app announcement message not auto dismiss if you tapped to read the announcement post.
- Improved the Flag & Reject bar when swiping to reveal it when also have the edit tools open, now this won’t force the edit tools to collapse, but the Flag & Reject bar will auto collapse after using them. This way you have a quick way to flag or reject.
- When picking a photo to add to an album on Mac, double-clicking on a photo will now add it to that album.
- Fixed side swipe quick start of multi selection showing in the photo picker.

There are lots of other issues addressed, but we couldn't fit them here ;( So please head over to the website for the full list.
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