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*** 2015 Apple Design Award Winner ***

jump-O is a minimalist game, with minimalist art, where you play as a circle in a square world. Jumping and moving at the right time, to avoid spikes and bullets, is the key to complete every single level. The description is minimalist too! :)

We hope you enjoy it! Every feedback is important for us to keep improving, so if you think you have something to add, we would like to hear it!

jump-O is the first game released by ByteBrushers, a small Independent Game Development Team. Your support and ratings are greatly appreciated and will allow us to create even better games! :)

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This App was developed in BEPiD PUCPR.

- jump-O is now completely free. No Ads, no IAPs! Enjoy!
- A new "Lost Levels" World with 8 super hard, long forgotten, and unforgiving levels was added - they separate kids from grown ups! This is an easter egg - you gotta find it. ;)
- Lefties rejoice! You were not forgotten! We added a Left Handed mode.
- This is the last time jump-O will be updated... at least, for now.
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