Title: What was the Initial Release Price of Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency?

来源:网络时间:2024-05-21 13:01:55

Monero, commonly abbreviated as XMR, is a highly acclaimed privacy-centric cryptocurrency that has garnered significant attention in the digital asset realm since its launch. The question often asked by enthusiasts and investors alike is about the initial price at which Monero was introduced to the market. Delving into the history of XMR's inception provides insights into its beginnings and the value it presented to early adopters. Launched in April 2014, Monero started trading with an issuance price that reflected the nascent stage of this groundbreaking cryptographic token.


xmr币(门罗币)的发行价为0.005 btc,按2014年4月18日汇率计算,约为2.425美元。该币当天开盘后价格上涨,但随后迅速下跌,并在几个月内保持在发行价附近。




0.005 BTC(按2014年4月18日的汇率计算)


门罗币于2014年4月18日发行,初始发行量为120万枚。当时,1 BTC 的价值约为 485 美元,因此 0.005 BTC 的价值约为 2.425 美元。门罗币发行当天,其价格在交易所开盘后立即上涨,达到峰值 0.012 BTC(约 5.88 美元)。然而,价格随后迅速下跌,并在接下来的几个月里保持在 0.005 BTC 左右的水平。

从那以后,门罗币的价格经历了巨大的波动。在 2017 年 12 月,它达到了历史最高点 495 美元,但在随后的市场低迷中暴跌。截至 2023 年 3 月,门罗币的价格约为 130 美元,市值约为 20 亿美元。


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